With the long weekend over and many folks wishing it weren’t, there is consolation, at least for Brit TV fans: the US premiere of both seasons of The Frankenstein Chronicles.
The Frankenstein Chronicles Arrives in the US

With the long weekend over and many folks wishing it weren’t, there is consolation, at least for Brit TV fans: the US premiere of both seasons of The Frankenstein Chronicles.
Several of British TV and film’s favorite actors, including Sean Bean, Karla Crome, Philip Glenister, Steven Mackintosh, and Olivia Williams, are starring in new television series. Find out which others are costarring alongside them.
US cable network A&E has added another British TV miniseries to its programming line-up: The Frankenstein Chronicles, starring the ever-talented Sean Bean.
More dramas are headed to telly, and the BBC and ITV have announced the casts for two of them: Close to the Enemy and Midwinter of the Spirit.
Finally! Sharpe, the brilliant historical drama starring none other than the fabulous Sean Bean (Sean Bean!), is now available for streaming in the US.
The British are coming! The British are coming! Actually, they — British actors — are already here, and more are joining or returning to the ranks of Hollywood and appearing in American TV shows debuting in the next few months.
It’s time for another happy dance, because renowned British actor Sean Bean (Sean Bean!!!) is returning to telly!