Remember all the hullabaloo a while back about Netflix removing Doctor Who from its streaming selections? Well, the reprieve is soon over.
Will These 2015 Brit TV Shows Screen in the US, Part 1: ITV
The PBS announcement regarding the dramas Arthur & George and Home Fires being added to the 2015 Masterpiece schedule left one burning question: Which other new shows might screen in the US? Today we look at programs from ITV.
Fortitude: Noir Thriller Premieres This Month
The eagerly-awaited debut of the crime-thriller, Fortitude, is happening in a few weeks. With the temperatures plunging to freezing and sub-zero in many places, the timing for this crime drama set in the Arctic couldn’t be more spot on.
Upcoming US Shows with UK Actors [UPDATED]
The British are coming! The British are coming! Actually, they — British actors — are already here, and more are joining or returning to the ranks of Hollywood and appearing in American TV shows debuting in the next few months.
British TV Goes Nordic Noir with “Fortitude” Starring Stanley Tucci, Michael Gambon
Many a British crime drama can be described as noir, but few (if any) actually take viewers to Arctic climes. The chilling new series, Fortitude — starring Academy Award® nominee Stanley Tucci, Christopher Eccleston, Michael Gambon, and Jessica Raine —