Twenty-two new series, seasons, and specials from the UK and Ireland premiere in the US in November.
British TV Premieres in Nov 2020: Alex Rider, Industry, Roadkill, Small Axe & More

Twenty-two new series, seasons, and specials from the UK and Ireland premiere in the US in November.
March roars in like a lion with 27 shows premiering nationally in the US, plus 4 debuting locally on public TV stations and even more titles being added to streaming services.
Another year has gone by and a couple hundred more British, Irish, and Canadian shows premiered in the US — a list whittled down to my favorites of 2018.
New cast members join two drama series, a slew of guest stars appears in a hit Brit mystery series, and a popular drama series is set to return with its fourth season.
This October is a lucky month, as it brings 21 new shows and seasons to stateside fans of programs from across the pond and north of the border.
Summertime, and the streaming is easy… and so is watching British TV on broadcast and cable TV, given nearly 40 titles premiering, returning, and being added to schedules in June.
A lot of actors have joined the casts of new British TV series, so let’s get to them, shall we?