Yes, we’ve missed him. Both hims. Sherlock and Watson. And today the BBC announced that, indeed, Sherlock will return to screens with a special and three new episodes.
Confirmed: Sherlock Will Return

Yes, we’ve missed him. Both hims. Sherlock and Watson. And today the BBC announced that, indeed, Sherlock will return to screens with a special and three new episodes.
Sherlock Holmes, the consulting detective who gave the public a mystery to solve, is back. It has been two years since he left us with the conundrum of how he faked his own death. Now we finally get a concrete
Santa Claus might be filling your stockings with all kinds of goodies this year, but it’s PBS that has a special holiday gift just for Sherlock fans!
It is definitely happy dance time for Sherlock fans. Not only do we have the title for the final episode of the three that comprise Series 3, we now have confirmation that there will indeed be a Series 4!
Woo hoo! Add another name to the growing list of major celebs joining the casts of mega-hit British TV programs. Specifically, Mark Gatiss, who will be joining the fourth-season cast of Game of Thrones, a UK/US co-production.
Today’s post is chockablock with news from and related to the world of British TV, so without any further ado…