Phryne Fisher — the most stylish of lady detectives since, well, ever — is headed back to local PBS stations, so hold onto your stylish hats because more murders and mayhem are headed your way from Down Under.

The wealthy aristocrat detective that is Phryne Fisher — she with the to-die-for wardrobe, red Hispano-Suiza automobile, and pearl-handled gold pistol — is up to her cheekbones in new mysteries when the second series of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries begins screening on local public television stations starting tomorrow.
Based on the series of Phryne Fisher Mysteries novels by Australian author Kerry Greenwood, and starring Aussie native Essie Davis (whom you may remember from the last two Matrix movies), the thirteen new episodes will have Phryne investigating murders amongst showgirls and spiritualists and in the worlds of Australian football and French haute couture.

As always, conducting the official police investigations are Detective John Robinson (Nathan Page, Underbelly), better known as Jack to Phryne, and Constable Hugh Collins (Hugo Johnstone-Burt, Home and Away) — both of whom get to see a side of Phryne they had never seen before (ahem) in the Series 2 opener.
These are the stations currently confirmed for airing Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries: Series 2. Check your local listings or contact the station serving your area via the links below for details regarding the show’s premiere date and time.
The stations listed below have been screening Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries: Series 1. Check back over the next few weeks to see if they have added Series 2 to their programming line-ups.