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Okay, Whovians, the wait for new episodes of Doctor Who will soon be over. BBC America is premiering Season 7 some time this Fall (date TBD), and from the looks of the official BBC teaser, it’s going to be an awesome buckle-up-we’re-in-for-a-crazy-time-traveling ride. See for yourself.

Over the course of Season 7’s fourteen episodes, The Doctor (Matt Smith) will bid a sad farewell to the Ponds, Amy (Karen Gillan) and Rory (Arthur Darvill), his companions for the past two-plus seasons (sniff, sniff); meet and time-travel with Clara (Jenna-Louise Coleman), his new companion; and continue to fend off Daleks and who knows what other other monsters. But wait, there’s more!

Doctor Who‘s Season 7 guest stars include David Bradley (Harry Potter), Rupert Graves (Sherlock), and Mark Williams (Harry Potter). Will they be friends or foes? Ya gotta watch to find out.

The first episode of Season 7, “Asylum of the Daleks,” is still a little ways away, so on each Saturday night in August, BBC America is premiering new Doctor Who specials. First up is The Science of Doctor Who which gives us the science behind the robots, gadgets, and more. It airs tomorrow, August 4, at 9PM Eastern.

Leading up to the new special will be three “Best Of” shows, including Doctor Who: Best of the Companions (6PM), Doctor Who: Best of the Monsters (7PM), and Doctor Who: Best of the Doctor (8PM).


Doctor Who: Season 7 Premiere and Specials