Five months from today, Season 3 of Downton Abbey will premiere on PBS in the U.S. If your experience of time is like mine, then time is flying by but new episodes of Downton can’t arrive soon enough. So, until they do, here are a few things that might help ease the wait a bit.

While these aren’t the real Downton deal, they are hilarious. How many stars of British TV can you spot?
And here’s a little something that the Earl of Grantham himself, Hugh Bonneville, felt obliged to share about Mr. Bates in his own way. I think it says what we all feel.

(Speaking of Bates, check out the Tumbler blog, the Mr. Bates Legal Team. It’s great. You can also follow the MBLT Twitter feed at @mrbateslegal.)
And Downton has been at the Olympics! Even Daisy and Mrs. Patmore were out and about! And Mr. Bates, too!

So remember: Keep calm, because Downton Abbey premieres on January 6, 2013.