Twenty-two days and counting until the premiere of the Doctor Who Christmas Special, “The Snowmen,” and BBC has released new images for the program all Whovians have been waiting for since the mid-season finale, “The Angels Take Manhattan,”aired on 29 September. If you think the Weeping Angels look menacing, wait ’til you see the Snowmen. (Yikes!)
Before we get to the icy monsters, here’s a new pic of The Doctor (Matt Smith) and his new companion, Clara (Jenna-Louise Coleman), clinging for dear life to a ladder attached to the TARDIS, dangling high above London.

And now, the Snowmen…

(I’d like to see a few of these creatures in someone’s holiday-themed front yard display, wouldn’t you?)
But wait, there’s more! As in a new video with Jenna-Louise Coleman discussing her audition process for the show. You might recall that Coleman’s first foray into Doctor Who came when she appeared in the first episode of Season 7, “Asylum of the Daleks,” in which she played Oswin Oswald, the human-Dalek. Are Oswin and Clara one and the same? If not, what’s the connection between them, if any? Is Steven Moffat just winding us up?
Watch the video through until the end, because there are snippets from “The Snowmen” that aren’t in the prequel or teaser videos.
With regard to Steven Moffat’s “genius plan,” we have three more weeks until we get to see it play out.
BTW, “The Snowmen” isn’t Richard E Grant’s first time around the TARDIS either, although it is his first as a villain. In 1989, he played the “cute, sexy, and lick-the-mirror handsome” incarnation of The Doctor in “Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death,” the special comedy episode produced for the Red Nose Day charity telethon in the UK. (He appears in the second video below.)
And in 2003, Grant provided the voice for the Ninth Doctor in the Doctor Who: Scream of the Shalka animated series, which was produced to coincide with Doctor Who‘s 40th anniversary and shown exclusively on BBC One’s Doctor Who website.
Have a fab week!