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We’re on holiday in the UK, so for the next couple of weeks The British TV Place will be blogging from the other side of the pond.

Doctor Who Experience
© Linda Jew

After spending a few days in London, we are now in Cardiff. And what better way to spend Halloween than at the Doctor Who Experience? According to Matt, a lovely guy who works at the Boots shop in Cardiff and did the Experience this past weekend, it’s brilliant. We can’t wait. Ninety minutes and counting! We’ll post photos as soon as we can.

Between seeing the sights and hanging out with locals, we haven’t yet watched much television in the UK. We have, though, met some of the nicest and most gracious people anywhere. They have made our travels here so far one of the best trips ever.

Several more cities are on the agenda, as are British TV-related items, so come along and join us for a bit of Brit TV-inspired fun!



Happy Halloween from Cardiff!
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